Sunday, May 10, 2020

Cuban Missile Crisis Nature Of The Cold War - 1092 Words

COLD WAR ASSIGNMENT (Cuban missile crisis) Nature of the Cold war The cold war was a clash between two superpowers with competing ideologies, or sets of ideas. Although they had been allies against the common enemies of Germany and japan during World War 2, both sides distrusted each other. After the war this distrust evolved into a long term hostility. This era was called the ‘Cold war’ because the two superpowers never directly assaulted each other. This war was very political as it was fought through propaganda, by proxy (the actual battle was fought by too different and not as powerful countries), and threats that could lead to massive conflicts. People have debated whether the Cold War was more a war of ideas and soft power rather than a war dominated by the importance of nuclear weapons and military strength. Nature and causes of the event (Cuban Missile Crisis) The Cuban missile crisis was a very political issue. To discuss its nature, I will first explain the events that led into the happening of the Cuban missile crisis. In 1959, Fidel Castro’s communist government took control of Cuba and the Soviet Union gave the new government economic aid. John F Kennedy became aware of the CIA’s plan to use anti-communist Cubans to overthrow Fidel. The attempted invasion at the Bay of Pigs failed. This event had convinced Castro that the United States had decided to get rid of the communist government, and himself along with it. Castro then turned to the Soviet Union forShow MoreRelatedThe Cuban Missile Crisis During The Cold War1378 Words   |  6 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in 1963 in a setting that was the high point of tension in the Cold War. The most significant background cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis was the underlying cold war ideology of capitalism vs communism. This was dramatically increased by the second ke y cause, a series of events that quickly built tensions between the super powers from 1959 such as the U2 incident, JFK’s response to the Berlin Wall, and the Bay of Pigs incident. The third cause was the relationshipRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis And The Soviet Union1412 Words   |  6 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis became the closest the world had ever been to nuclear war, resulting from growing tension in the Cold War between the United States (NATO) and the Soviet Union (Warsaw Pact). Cuba at the time also had ongoing conflict with the United States, after the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in attempt to overthrow corrupt government leader Fidel Castro. The Soviet Union and Cuba’s newfound similar plights led to a partnership and the strategic positioning for the Soviet Union to implementRead MoreEssay on The Cold War589 Words   |  3 PagesThe Cold War The Cold War had been going on since the end of the Second World War. 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It started in the mid 40s after WWII had left Europe in shambles and USSR and US in superpower positions. The Cold War was a clash of these superpowers in political, ideological, security, and economic values and ideas. It caused a bipolar system in the world where thereRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis Of 19621575 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction The Cold War lasted approximately from 1947 to 1991; which pitted the United States (US) against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, Russia or Soviets). During this period of time for both military and political conflict between the two countries, there was a short period of time that not only put these two nations on alert put the rest of the world of a potential nuclear war. This period of time would come to be known as the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, which occurred

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adulteration Free Essays

string(59) " o f adul terants i n suga r REQUIREMENTS Test-tubes, dil\." Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD-STUFFS INVESTIGATORY PROJECT iCBSE. com CHEMISTRY PROJECT WORK Name: Agilan Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD Seal 3 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my chemistry mentor Mrs. Shirley Zachariah, f or he r v i t a l s up por t , g u i da nc e a n d e nc our a g e me n t – wi t ho ut whi c h t hi s pr oj ec t woul d not ha ve c ome f or t h. We will write a custom essay sample on Adulteration or any similar topic only for you Order Now I woul d a l s o l i ke t o express my gratitude to the lab assistant Mrs. Julie Sam for her support during t he maki ng of t hi s pr oj ect . iCBSE. com 4 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD S. No. Cont ent s Page No. I. Obj ecti ve 6 II. Introduction 8 III. Theory 9 IV. Experiment 1 10 iCBSE. com V. Experiment 2 11 VI. Experiment 3 12 VII. Resul t 13 VIII. Conclusion 14 IX. Bi bl i og r aphy 15 5 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD The Objective of this project is to study some of the common food adulterants present in different food stuffs. iCBSE. com 6 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD CBSE. com 7 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD Adulteration in food is normally present in its most crude form; pr ohi bi t e d s ubs t anc es ar e e i t her a dded or par t l y o r whol l y s ubs t i t ut ed. Nor ma l l y t he c ont ami na t i on/ a dul t er a t i o n i n f ood i s done ei t he r f or f i nanc i a l gai n or due to carel essness and l ack i n proper hygi en i c condi ti on of processi ng, storing, transportation and marketing. This ultimately results that the consumer is either cheated or often become victim of diseases. Such types of adulteration are quite common in developing countries or backward countries. It is equally important for the consumer to know the common adulterants and t hei r ef f ec t on heal t h. iCBSE. com 8 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD The increasi ng number of food producers and the outstanding amount of import foodstuffs enables the producers to mislead and cheat consumers. To differentiate those who take advantage of legal rules from the ones who commit food adulteration is very difficult. The consciousness of consumers woul d be c r uc i al . I g nor a nc e an d unf ai r ma r ket be havi or may enda nger consumer health and misleading can lead to poisoning. So we need simple screening tests for their detection. iCBSE. com In the past few decades, adulteration of food has become one of the serious problems. Consumption of adulterated food causes serious diseases l i ke cancer, di arr hoea, ast hma, ul cers , etc. Maj ori ty of f ats , oi l s and butter are par af f i n wa x , c as t or oi l a nd hydr oc ar bons . Red c hi l l i po wde r i s mi x e d wi t h br i c k powder a nd pe pper i s mi x ed wi t h dr i e d pa paya s ee ds . Thes e a dul t er ant s c an be eas i l y i de nt i f i ed by s i mpl e c he mi c al t es t s . Several agencies have been set up by the Government of India to remove adulterants from food stuffs. AGMARK – acronym for agricultural marketing†¦. this organization certifies food products for their quality. Its objective is to promote the Grading and Standardization of agricultural and allied commodities. 9 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD To detect the presence of adulterants in fat, oil and butter. REQUIREMENTS iCBSE. com Test-tube, acetic anhydride, conc. H SO , a c e t i c a c i d , c onc . HNO . PROCEDURE 4 Common adulterants present in ghee and oil are paraffin wax, hy dr oc ar bo ns , dyes and ar gemo ne oi l . The s e ar e de t ec t e d as f ol l ows : 3 (i) Adulteration of paraffin wax and hydrocarbon in vegetable ghee Heat small amount of vegetable ghee with acetic anhydride. Droplets of oil floating on the surface of unused acetic anhydri de indicates the pr es enc e of wax or hy dr oc ar bons . (ii) Adulteration of dyes in fat Heat 1mL of fat with a mixture of 1mL of conc. sulphuric acid and 4mL of acet i c ac i d. Appear ance of pi nk or r ed col our i ndi cat es pr es enc e of dye i n f at . (iii) Adulteration of argemone oil in edible oils To small amount of oil in a test-tube, add few drops of conc. HNO and shake. Appearance of red colour in the acid layer indicates pr es enc e of ar gemo ne oi l . 3 10 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD To detec t the presence o f adul terants i n suga r REQUIREMENTS Test-tubes, dil. You read "Adulteration" in category "Papers" HCl. iCBSE. com PROCEDURE Sugar is usually contaminated with washing soda and other insoluble substances which are detected as follows : (i) Adulteration of various insoluble substances in sugar Take small amount of sugar i n a test-tube and shake it with l ittle wat e r . Pur e s ugar di s s ol ves i n wa t er but i ns ol ubl e i mpur i t i es do not di s s ol ve. (ii) Adulteration of chalk powder, washing soda in sugar To small amount of sugar i n a test- tube, add few drops of dil. HCl. Brisk effervescence of CO shows the presence of chal k powder or was hi ng s oda i n t he g i ve n s ampl e of s ugar . 2 11 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD To detec t the presence o f adul terants i n sampl es of chi l l i powder, turmeric powder and pepper REQUIREMENTS Test-tubes, conc. HCl , di l. HNO iCBSE. com , KI s ol ut i on PROCEDURE 3 Common adulterants present in chilli powder, turmeric powder and pepper a r e r e d c ol our ed l ea d s al t s , ye l l o w l ead s al t s a nd dr i e d papa ya s eeds respecti vel y. They are detected as follows : (i) Adulteration of red lead salts in chilli powder To a sample of chi ll i powder, add dil. HNO . Filter the solution and add 2 drops of potassium iodide solution to the filtrate. Yellow ppt. i ndi cates the presence of l ead sal ts i n chi l l i powder. 3 ii) Adulteration of yellow lead salts to turmeric powder To a sample of turmeric powder add conc. HCl. Appearance of magenta col our shows t he presence of yel l ow oxi des of l ead i n t ur mer i c powder . (iii) Adulteration of brick powder in red chilli powder Add small amount of given red chilli powder in beaker containing wat e r . Br i c k powder s et t l es at t he bot t o m whi l e pur e c hi l l i powder floats over water. (iv) Adulteration of dried papaya seeds in pepper Add small amount of sample of pepper to a beaker containing water and stir with a glass rod. Dried papaya seeds being lighter float over wat e r whi l e pur e pepper s e t t l es at t he bo t t om. 12 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD EXPT. NO. EXPERI MENT PROCEDURE OBSERVATION 1. Adulterati on of paraff i n wax and hydr ocarbon i n veget abl e ghee 2. Adulterati on of dyes i n f at 3. Adulterati on of argemone oil in edible oi l s 4. Adulterati on of var i ous i ns ol ubl e substances in sugar Heat small amount of veget abl e ghee wi t h ac et i c anhydride. Droplets of oil f l oat i ng on t he s ur f ac e of unused acet i c anhydri de i ndi cat e t he pr es ence of wax CBSE. com H 2 or hydr ocar bon. Heat 1mL of fat with a mixture of 1mL of conc. SO 4 and 4mL of acetic acid. To smal l amount of oi l i n a test tube, add few drops of conc. HNO 3 shake. Take smal l amount of sugar i n a t es t t ube a nd s hake i t with little water. di s s ol ve. 5. Adulterati on of chal k powder , washi ng soda i n s ugar 6. Adeulterati on of yel l ow l ea d s al t s t o turmeric powder 7. Adulterati on of red l ead s a l t s i n c hi l l i powder 8. Adulterati on of brick powder i n chi l l i powder 9. Adulterati on of dried papaya seeds i n pepper To smal l amount of sugar i n a est tube, add a few drops of di l . HCl . To sampl e of t urmeri c powder , add conc. HCl . To a sampl e of chi l l i powder, add dil. HNO . Filter the solution and add 2 drops of KI solution to the filtrate. 3 Add smal l amount of gi ven red chilli powder in a beaker containing water. Add smal l amount of sample of pepper t o beaker containing water and stir with a glass rod. Appearance of oil f l oat i ng on t he surface. Appearance of pink colour. No red colour obs er ved Pure sugar di s s ol ves i n wa t er but i ns ol ubl e i mpuri ti es do not No brisk effervescence obs er ved. Appearance of agenta colour No yellow ppt. Br i ck powder set t l es at the bottom while pure chi l l i powder f l oat s over wat er . Dried papaya seeds bei ng l i ghter fl oat over wat er whi l e pure pepper settl es at the bottom. 13 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD Selection of wholesome and non-adulterated food is essential for daily l i f e to make sure t hat s uch f oods do not cause any heal t h hazar d. I t i s not pos s i bl e t o e ns ur e whol es ome f ood onl y o n v i s ual ex ami na t i o n whe n t he t ox i c contaminants are present in ppm level. However, visual examination of the food before purchase makes sure to ensure absence of insects, visual fungus, foreign matters, etc. Therefore, due care taken by the consumer at the time of pur c has e of f ood af t er t hor oughl y e x ami ni ng c a n be of gr ea t he l p. S ec ondl y, l abel decl arati on on packed f ood i s ver y i mportant f or knowi ng t he i ngredi ents and nutritional value. It also helps in checking the freshness of the food and t he per i od of bes t bef or e us e. The cons umer s houl d avoi d t aki ng f ood f r om an unhy gi e ni c pl ac e and f ood bei ng pr epa r ed under unhyg i eni c c ondi t i ons . S uc h t ypes of f ood may caus e var i ous di s eas es . Cons umpt i on of cut f r ui t s bei ng s ol d i n unhygi eni c condi ti ons shoul d be avoi ded. I t i s al ways bet ter to buy cert i f i ed food from reputed shop. iCBSE. com 14 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD iCBSE. com ENCARTA ENCYCLOPEDIA 2009 www. wikipedia. com www. answers. com www. google. com 15 | P a g e How to cite Adulteration, Papers